Bloodstain Pattern Analysis – Advanced

The course will assist crime scene investigators in the documentation, the interpretation the evaluation of bloodstain patterns as can be found in crime scene cases. Topics will include physics of bloodstain formation, event analysis, report preparation, and court presentation techniques as will be trained in a mock court session.

Successful completion of the course will furthermore require a series of  scientific articles to be studied prior to the course. The articles will be supplied a few weeks before the course.

Preparing and giving a presentation during the course about a topic to be selected by the trainers before course starts.


This hands-on practical course (40 hours duration) is designed for investigators, crime scene technicians, forensic analysts, and others involved in criminal and medical-legal investigations and crime scene investigation.
The advanced course builds upon the basic principles and practical skills acquired in a IABPA- approved basic BPA Course. Completion of a basic course is therefore a prerequisite for attending this advance course. Knowledge acquired in the advanced course will allow for more complex applications of bloodstain pattern analysis.

During this advanced course we will focus on the documentation, interpretation and evaluation of bloodstain patterns as well as report preparation and court presentation.

The course includes instructions on the following subjects:

  • Bloodstain Pattern terminology and identification (review)
  • Physics of bloodstain formation
  • Documentation requirements
  • Determination of the area of origin (review) by the use of HemoSpat software
  • Conclusion drawing, reporting, and peer review
  • Reconstruction
  • Courtroom presentations and expert testimony (competed with a mock court session)

During the course several moments knowledge and ability are demonstrated by the participants through tests and presentations.


Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:

  • Relate characteristics of bloodstain pattern types to the mechanism of stain production.
  • Demonstrate the methodology of BPA within the context of the overall scene.
  • Demonstrate the ability to use various methods to establish the area of origin of an impact pattern and discuss their limitations.
  • Demonstrate the ability to evaluate bloodstain patterns on different objects and surfaces as seen in crime scenes.
  • Formulate bloodstain pattern evidence into a report format which complies with scientific and jurisdictional standards.
  • Demonstrate the ability to review another analyst’s work (technical and administrative review).
  • Demonstrate the ability to evaluate complex bloodstain pattern scenes.
  • Apply knowledge in presenting BPA expert-testimony in a courtroom.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the properties of blood and how they relate to bloodstain pattern analysis, particularly the physics of bloodstain formation.


The course is completed by a practical competency exam, which consists among others of a practical bloodstain case.

After the BPA Advanced training the participant must produce a BPA report of this case within 8 weeks. The trainers will look over this report (as  the result of the practical test) to check if the quality is sufficient to have proved BPA skills on the Advanced level.

You will pass the exam if you meet the requirements of the practical test, the mock court session, as well as the presentation on the given topic.

Target Group

Experienced forensic technical investigative police officers and forensic science laboratory staff.

Dates and duration

12-16 May 2025

5 consecutive days, from 9.00 - 17.00 h


Police Academy in Apeldoorn, The Netherlands.


€ 1495,- per participant. Prices include a course manual, lunch and refreshments during the course.

N.B.: No VAT will be added.

Hotel and travel costs are not included.


  • Having completed an IABPA- approved basic BPA course (40 hours) is a prerequisite for this advanced course.
  • During the last year the student investigated in cooperation with a senior bloodstain pattern analyst at least three bloodstain cases.
  • College level basic trigonometry and college level basic physics classes OR a class similar to the current Math & Physics for Bloodstain Pattern Analysis is highly recommended.


  • Successful completion of the course will furthermore require a study of scientific articles prior to the course. These articles will be supplied after registering.
  • A BPA case investigated by the student (in cooperation with a senior bloodstain pattern analyst) needs to be presented in a mock court session.
  • A presentation of a topic selected by the trainers needs to be presented during the course.


  • J.C. Limborgh, NFI (Bloodstain Pattern Analyst at the Crime scene)
  • P. van den Hoven, NFI (Bloodstain Pattern Analyst at the Crime scene)


Successful completion of the course is not sufficient to qualify the student as an expert in bloodstain pattern analysis.

Each student should bring to the class:

  • Photo equipment (digital camera that is used at crime scenes)
  • Laptop running under Windows 7 or higher

More information and registration

For more information, please complete our contact form. Please indicate on the form you are interested in information about the course 'Bloodstain Pattern Analysis – Advanced'.

For registration, please complete our ;registration form